Watch this space – Halima’s success with Fodder crops

In our 2024 Annual Report (Read now) we shared with you the progress of the new Fodder Management Project. Already we are excited to share with you the benefits that growing fodder crops can have for women, like Halima Begum, whose story is shared below.

Halima Begum,  lives with her husband Shofiqul Islam and their two daughters. Her husband works as a rickshaw puller, and before their involvement with Symbiosis Bangladesh, the family struggled to make ends meet but would always find the money to support their daughters education. They endured a lot of hardship and like many households in rural Bangladesh, they were caught in a cycle of financial instability with limited opportunities for growth.

Meeting the Mayabi Women’s Group

In 2019, Halima took a transformative step of joining the Mayabi Women’s Group, supported by Symbiosis Bangladesh. Through disciplined participation in the group’s savings program, she accumulated 22,200 Taka. The project’s innovative approach to women’s empowerment enabled her to secure a loan of 40,000 Taka, which she invested in purchasing a cow.

Although she had no formal training in cattle rearing, the supportive environment of her group provided guidance and encouragement to venture into new business.

 Fast-forward to 2024

The project’s continued engagement and focus on improving cattle rearing continues to support the remarkable changes in Halima’s life and her family’s economic situation.

What began as a single cow, Halima has now grown into a profitable enterprise of four cows with a proper shed. She has established a sustainable business model by growing her own fodder crops, which not only reduces feeding costs but also provides an additional income stream through market sales.

The impact extends beyond material gains

Halima has transformed from being financially dependent to becoming a contributor to her family’s income. She now assists with her children’s educational expenses and supports her husband financially. Her success has inspired other group members to consider cattle rearing as a viable business opportunity.

With her current success as a foundation, Halima looks forward to expanding her cattle rearing business and further diversifying her income sources.

This story was provided by the Sustainability and Training Based Development Service (STDS) whose Project Manager is Md. Ferdous Fahad.

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